Are there any benefits associated with this study?
The SOCIAL cohort aims to support ovarian cancer survivors by building a community. We will provide survivors with webinars featuring talks from the study team, newsletters with study information and visual abstracts, and opportunities to attend web-based activities like meditation classes. In the future, we plan to offer additional studies to SOCIAL participants exploring specific lifestyle changes to improve well-being.
Are there any risks associated with this study?
The known or expected risks with this study include minor discomfort, bruising, prolonged bleeding, and infection at the site of blood draw. However, these risks are considered rare. To minimize these risks, we will refer survivors to phlebotomists (people trained to draw blood) for blood collection.
How long is my participation in the study?
Your participation in the study will last approximately 10 years. After completing the initial data collection, we will follow up at 18 months, 24 months, 30 months, and 36 months. Then, we will follow up annually for 4-10 years.
What is being done to protect my data?
Your privacy is our priority. Your data will be stored in password protected computers and accessed only by University of Michigan staff.
Once I have enrolled in the study, do I have the option to leave?
Your participation in the SOCIAL study is completely voluntary and you can withdraw at any point in the study!
Will I be compensated for this study?
Yes! After completing the initial questionnaire, you will receive a $25 gift card.
I am not eligible for this study, how else can I participate?
If you are not eligible for this study, we still thank you for your interest in SOCIAL, and encourage you to check back on this webpage for future study opportunities.